5 Minute Mind – When the Light Goes Out

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. I opened the door to my refrigerator last night and light went out. Kinda startedled me for a second, the pop was rather loud. My first thought was, “what the hell did the damn cat knock over?”, That split second thinking….thankful he can’t understand my words when I say […]

5 Minute Mind – The Virus

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. The battle between imperical data and peoples perception of it, has most often been one that are two sides of a mirror. Believe what the data says? I hven’t seen that, I haven’t been affected in that way. Therefore, the data is wrong, I am right, case closed. People […]

5 Minute Mind – Dear Matthew

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. ive been thinking off and on all day about what to write you my dear Matthew. I can’t believe it’s been so long. I won’t bore you with the platitudes, I mean c’mon. I do however have to tell you, due to the work of so many people like […]

5 Minute Mind – Coming Out Day

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Melinda and Roger knew the day had come. THeir son, alex, was going to come out to them. THey wqere prepared, for they feel that have seen signs along the way. Alex, now 19, was somewhat different than hbis siblings. He was always muych more of an epath when […]

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