Is it “It is what it is”?

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. MIdfulness….ahh, that’s the stuff. I tinkered with oractising midfulness exercies off and on the past year or so, but since mid-October 2020 I have stayed dedicated to it daily. Upon ending my morning excersise, celebrating just being in the here and now, the ever-famous saying popped into my brain. […]

Blinded Me With Science

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. “A truly unprecedented medial miracle.” That’s how Trump views the vaccine. I’m not a scientist but I am a big supoter of scientists, the scientific methd, and the truth. For far too long, science has remaind this mysterious thing to so many people. A scapegoat for our blame, and […]

Black-Eyed Peas and a Bully

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Earler this week I posted about significant change in my life. Nearing toward the end of this year, a coupl eweeks ago I decided to finally face my bully. I felt I could not totally move forward without doing that. As an example, as I type these letters mysteriously […]

Stranger in My House (Expanded)

This is an expanded version of another post. While pondering what to write about this morning, I read a story prompt that said to describe a mysterious stranger. That lead to me thinking about the song, “Stranger in My House”. The version I am talking about is sung by Tamia. Specifically, I thought about these lyrics, “Or could it be, […]

Stranger in My House

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. WHile pondering what to write about this morning, I read a story prompt that said to describe a mysterious stranger. That lead to me thinking about the song, stranger in my house. The version I am talking about is Tamia. Specifically, I thought about the line, “could it be, […]

Scapegoats and Auld Ang Syne

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. SO many people have said to me something along the lines of can’t wait for this year to be over, or something along those lines. I know I cannot be the only one who has heard this same sentiment echoed by various talking heads from your preferred media platforms. […]

Christmas Presence

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. I’ll be in my apartment alone for Christmas this year, and perhaps as weird as it may seem, I think social distancing has prepared me for it. Of coiurse there are oangs of loneliness and missing out on being with people, but I am trying to accept that as […]

5 Minute Mind – Cloud Cover

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Gazing out my window as I am oft to do, pondering such things like why I am here or whether or not I should make dinner, the skies were kind of blah. A little context, I am a freakish early mornig person so my pondering is often in dawn’s […]

5 Minute Mind – Make It

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. In one of the numeros imaginary conversations I have with a friend everyday, all within my head mind you, I thought about time. This friend is the type of person (this part IRL) who cannot seem to find the time to do anything which might be construed as extra. […]

5 Minute Mind – Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots…Everybody.

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. All I want for Chriustmas is a new vaccine, a new vaccine, …you get it. What a time, what a year…but all the smart peole got together in their labs and here we go. In experiencing this coming together, groups working together towards the common goal of helping protect […]

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