My Cup Gayeth Over

Everything was set in preparation for my guests, and they began to arrive. When someone looked to have a drink, I had forgotten to put out any cups.

On the Edge

Originally published 10/9/2020. See new comments after original post. This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. On the verge, precipice…whatever seems good. i thought about this early this morning as I was considering what i may write about today. in doing so, i reaklized how much i am enjoying these spriunt exercises, and think I am […]

5 minute musings – first blog post

Originally published 10/6/2020. Jut clicked start on the timer and we’re off. Trying the exercise where I just write for a specified amount of time. It doesn’t need to make sense, the important thing to do is keep writing, whatever it is. It’s a funny thing to do and even as I write this now, I am thankful that I […]

5 Minutes With My Mind

Please excuse typos and grammatical errors. This is an exercise focusing on unfettered writing. Originally published 10/7/2020 aaand, go! I was thinking earlier about making this something i do regularly, and what to call it. The title on this post may not be the best, but it sums up what I am focusing on here. THought yesterday after trying this […]

Screens, Tabs, and Focus…oh my.

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Fir much of my computing life, I have often thought “the more screen, the better”! I can have this window over here, that window there, be able to n a browser and take note at the same time…endless joy and productivity! Rather than writing at my desk as I […]

5 Minute Mind – Freedom of (not from) Speech

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. A lot of talk here in the states abouilt ol amedment 1. No need to rehash it fully, but you’re unfamiliar with what is going on soon to be ousted Donald Trump and many of his supported feel their first amendment rights, freedom of speech, are being trampled on. […]

Granola Warms the Heart

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. It’s a bit chiily here in Orlando this morniing…hey, it happens! Upon hearing the timer on the oven, I went and removed the fresh baked granola from it and while my sense of smell swam within its aroma, the heat hitting me gave me a moment to pause. It […]

Sound it Out

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. What’s in a word? It’s one of tthose questions that seemingly has an obvious answer, but it’s also a question that has answers shrouded in subtelty. I love words. I am often fascinated with how words sound when said out loud. One of my mavorite words (anyone else have […]

Inspiration and a Wake-Up Call

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Why? Why does it hit you like a jarring call or super obnoxious alarm that sounds like the cross between a howler monky and they yelp of a person who just stepped on a lego while barefoot? I am talking about inspiration. Here, I sit, at 3:51 in the […]

We’re Talking to You

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Ahhh, new year, new expoeriences, new….revelations. I was filling out a form yesterday and errantly pressed 2 as the fiurst digit when entering my year of birth. This caused me to chortle a bit, only to be rudely assaulted with the truth…..thats a perfectlyu valid entry now. That really […]

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