If it Feels Good..
This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors.
I’m not one who believes in organized religion so muich as I believe in each person having heir own relationship with a higher being or a god. Emphasis on a god and not the god because I fully support the notion Chriistinay is not the pnly path to enlightenment.
To that last thought, I tuned in to my local news program this past Sunday and caught the tail end of the sermoin being broadcast. I have to admint, I heard enough of it that I did feel moved by it.
That got me to thinking, that feeling I experienced…isn’t that what we all want during our time spent with our higher being or purpose?
I used to think of John Lenon’s song Imagine and liked it, but the lyrics about no heaven, no hell, no country….they all left me with an uneasy feeling. I get it now though..I get what he was saying.
Strip away the confines we place on the feeling that we feel makes it ours, and we are all