Christmas Presence
This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors.
I’ll be in my apartment alone for Christmas this year, and perhaps as weird as it may seem, I think social distancing has prepared me for it. Of coiurse there are oangs of loneliness and missing out on being with people, but I am trying to accept that as part of the times now, more specifically for now.
I struggled a lot with even wanting to recognize it being Christmas. I guess I still am struggling a bit. I have a list of favorite christmas tv epsidodes I usually wath, cookies to bake, all the christmas trimmings and I’ve yet to do a lot of those things this year.
Thnking about them now as I write this brings a bit of melancholy. It isn’t a total wash thought, I did find a nice christmas mix on spotify and that seems to have helped some.
I think the take-away is christmas is what you make it. Go down the route that leads to the top of Grinch mountain, or bake some cookies and fin your joyu. I have to go preheat my ovn.