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5 Minute Mind – Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots…Everybody.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors.

All I want for Chriustmas is a new vaccine, a new vaccine, …you get it. What a time, what a year…but all the smart peole got together in their labs and here we go. In experiencing this coming together, groups working together towards the common goal of helping protect the citizens of the world, my big brain of “hmm, wonder if…” has been chewing on the notion of this same thing happening but wiothout the context of needing to stop a pandemic.

Now, of course there are several different smaller or perhaps subjective is a better word, reasons for motivation; financial gains for pharma, notoriety, protection for the 1% since this affects them too, but even though these aren’t reasons for humanity, they still got the job done.

I realize this is the same type of thinikg that leads to shouts of coirporate greed and capitalism is ultimately good

P.S. Greed is not intrinsically good.

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