5 minute Mind
5 Minute Mind – Daylight Savings Crime

5 Minute Mind – Daylight Savings Crime

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors.

It’s a crime against freakish early…like 4 AM early, people such as myself. To be active and awake so early is not something I lament. I rather enjoy getting a lot of things done and having time in the afternoon evening to spend on other things. THis time of the year though, before the clocks go back, is damn near insufgferable. I wait for the sun as if I am the dog and Pavlovl himself rings the bell to activate the sun. Drooling, and rought with anticipation…ring the damn thing already!

I relly don’t even understand it having a purpose anymore. We live. in an age where practically evertything is available 24/7, so there really is no need to perpetuate the myth that it actually does anything. It has been a scam especially for companies before the iundustrial age and things like labor unions. Get people to work later because there is more sunshine available to make them do so. No overtime, nothing extra for them…just working later. Gas, then electric lighting became available and then nmothing changed, stil

Let me hear you.

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