If it Feels Good..

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. I’m not one who believes in organized religion so muich as I believe in each person having heir own relationship with a higher being or a god. Emphasis on a god and not the god because I fully support the notion Chriistinay is not the pnly path to enlightenment. […]

73 Seconds

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. These past several days my mind has been swarming with thoughts and I just couldn’t lock it down on something to write about. This morning though, I read and was reminded about the Spece Shiuttle Challenger tragedy that happened this day in 1986. It was 73 seconds into the […]

5 Minute Mind – Freedom of (not from) Speech

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. A lot of talk here in the states abouilt ol amedment 1. No need to rehash it fully, but you’re unfamiliar with what is going on soon to be ousted Donald Trump and many of his supported feel their first amendment rights, freedom of speech, are being trampled on. […]

Granola Warms the Heart

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. It’s a bit chiily here in Orlando this morniing…hey, it happens! Upon hearing the timer on the oven, I went and removed the fresh baked granola from it and while my sense of smell swam within its aroma, the heat hitting me gave me a moment to pause. It […]

Sound it Out

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. What’s in a word? It’s one of tthose questions that seemingly has an obvious answer, but it’s also a question that has answers shrouded in subtelty. I love words. I am often fascinated with how words sound when said out loud. One of my mavorite words (anyone else have […]

Inspiration and a Wake-Up Call

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Why? Why does it hit you like a jarring call or super obnoxious alarm that sounds like the cross between a howler monky and they yelp of a person who just stepped on a lego while barefoot? I am talking about inspiration. Here, I sit, at 3:51 in the […]

We’re Talking to You

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Ahhh, new year, new expoeriences, new….revelations. I was filling out a form yesterday and errantly pressed 2 as the fiurst digit when entering my year of birth. This caused me to chortle a bit, only to be rudely assaulted with the truth…..thats a perfectlyu valid entry now. That really […]

Dear Monday

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. Hello, first Monday of 2021. Today is a special day for you and your kin. You see, whether or not you know it, your family has a lot of haters. I don’t get it either. Personally, I don’t mind you guys for your weekly visit. Well. most of the […]

Is it “It is what it is”?

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. MIdfulness….ahh, that’s the stuff. I tinkered with oractising midfulness exercies off and on the past year or so, but since mid-October 2020 I have stayed dedicated to it daily. Upon ending my morning excersise, celebrating just being in the here and now, the ever-famous saying popped into my brain. […]

Blinded Me With Science

This is a writing sprint. Please excuse spelling and grammatical errors. “A truly unprecedented medial miracle.” That’s how Trump views the vaccine. I’m not a scientist but I am a big supoter of scientists, the scientific methd, and the truth. For far too long, science has remaind this mysterious thing to so many people. A scapegoat for our blame, and […]

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